Entre el 12 y el 19 de abril, mes de la memoria y solidaridad con las víctimas en Colombia, el equipo FORPP, participó y acompañó actos de dignificación y memoria, entrega de informe al SIVJRNR y taller de formación sobre protección colectiva en el marco del Acuerdo...
Displacement and Land Issues
Welcome Back Michaela!
Michaela Soellinger is an accompanier with FOR Austria who will be collaborating with our team. The following is her reflection on arriving back in Colombia last week: So, here I am, back in Colombia in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. In Bogotá, the streets seem...
La Esperanza and a Path to Return
Español Aquí "The Community Council of La Esperanza made a decision to restore and protect the biodiversity of the territory, which has made us a stone in the shoe of the corrupt entrepreneurs and officials, who have taken advantage of our situation as displaced...
Una Historia de La Esperanza
Queridxs amigxs, (English Here) Este mes, nos complace compartir con ustedes la historia de La Esperanza, para darle la oportunidad de conocer a esta comunidad inspiradora que defiende a los humanos y la biodiversidad en su lucha por recuperar sus tierras ancestrales....
Defenders at Risk: Implications of COVID-19 on Human Rights in Colombia
On April 25, we hosted a webinar with three human rights defenders about the impact of COVID-19 on human rights in Colombia. In such a challenging time, we were grateful to hear from folks around the world about their concerns for human rights defenders and to discuss...
Grassroots Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
by Michaela Söllinger, IFOR Austria (This article was also published with minor changes in the Austrian magazine Spinnrad, Vol. 4 (2019)) Picture 1: Sunset over Guaviare harbor Picture 2: Fishing pond in main hamlet of San José de León How does reconciliation happen?...
Meet our new accompanier: Enrique
Enrique is a social leader, human rights defender and member of the victims’ network Communities Constructing Peace in the Communities (CONPAZ). In 2017, he was selected the Human Rights Defender of the Year in the national awards for human rights, granted by Diakonía...
Meet our new accompanier: María Eugenia
María Eugenia is from the outskirts of Popayán, in the department of Cauca. She studied ethno-education at the University of Cauca. Her family member was a victim of an extrajudicial execution, which motivated her to get involved in peace-building work. She is a...