After a four-hour jeep ride through thick forest and passing over waterfalls, the valley of Blanquita-Murrí, Frontino, Antioquia opened up in front of us. Wide forests and grasslands surrounded the main settlement of the high mountain plain, which is the hub for the...

Displacement and Land Issues
Perspectives on Peace: Fabiola from Santa Rosa de Guayacán
In early August, we were able to travel with our partner Communities Constructing Peace in the Territories (CONPAZ) to Bajo Calima and the San Juan River, in the rural region outside of Buenaventura. There we heard from various indigenous and Afro-Colombian...
Reflections on Returning to the Peace Community
by Tom Power When we arrived in the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó for Christmas, former accompanier Emily and I didn’t really know what to expect. Neither of us had been there for some time, but we were excited that the Peace Community was going to have...
“There will never be true peace, until we eliminate hatred within our hearts as a country.”- Peace Community Leader
The following piece and pictures were originally published in Spanish by our Accompanier Dianna E Almanza. When I see the sunrise, I see how mother nature awakens around me, As if time stood still, As if this very precise moment that I am living, were to last for a...
Ongoing Crisis in the Naya River
On May 11th and 12th, FORPP participated in a humanitarian mission to the Naya River, along with our partners the Intereclesial Commission of Peace and Justice and CONPAZ, as well as the other accompaniment organizations PBI and Witness for Peace. We went to observe...
Life and Death in Buenaventura: A Continuing Story of Forced Displacement
Para la versión en español, haz clic aquí. Written by Pendle Marshall-Hallmark, FOR Peace Presence accompanier, 2/17/2017 The day I arrived in Colombia to begin my new position as an international human rights accompanier, the decaying, mangled bodies of...
Vida y muerte en Buenaventura: una persistente historia de desplazamiento forzado
For the English version, click here. Escrito por Pendle Marshall-Hallmark, acompañante internacional de FOR Presente por la Paz, el 17 de febrero del 2017. El día que llegué a Colombia para empezar mi nuevo trabajo como acompañante internacional, los cuerpos...
Hope in the Midst of a Violent Crisis: Life in Buenaventura´s Urban Humanitarian Space
By Nikki Drake, accompanier at FOR Peace Presence Article originally published on Upside Down World An alarm of lively music starts each day around 6am, and the street slowly comes to life. Sweetened coffee percolates in houses, fishermen head out in their small...