The Fellowship of Reconciliation presents an informal evening of conversation with a Colombia conscientious objector at the home of Bill Northrup, member of FOR’s National Council: The Courage to RefuseWar: A path to promote nonviolence and social justice Colombian...
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Susana Pimiento and Sebastian Patino interviewed on WBAI with Robert Knight
By Jim Murphy Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 7:32pm Robert Knight interviewed Fellowship of Reconciliation staff member Susana Pimiento and a young Colombian conscientious objector today on his WBAI (Pacifica Radio network) “5 O’Clock Shadow” show. His program is a highly...
Rochester, NY: The Courage to Refuse War: Colombian conscientious objector speaks
The Courage to Refuse War: A path to promote nonviolence and social justice Colombian youth Sebastián Patiño speaks on refusing to participate in war as a member of Conscientious Objectors’ Collective Action (ACOOC). War and militarism impact youths’ lives, especially...
Oneonta, NY: The Courage to Refuse War: Colombian conscientious objector speaks
The Courage to Refuse War: A path to promote nonviolence and social justice Colombian youth Sebastián Patiño speaks on refusing to participate in war as a member of Conscientious Objectors’ Collective Action (ACOOC). War and militarism impact youths’ lives, especially...
Ithaca, NY: The Courage to Refuse War: Colombian conscientious objector speaks
The Courage to Refuse War: A path to promote nonviolence and social justice Colombian youth Sebastián Patiño speaks on refusing to participate in war as a member of Conscientious Objectors’ Collective Action (ACOOC). War and militarism impact youths’ lives, especially...
St. Marys, PA: The Courage to Refuse War: Colombian conscientious objector speaks
The Courage to Refuse War: A path to promote nonviolence and social justice Colombian youth Sebastián Patiño speaks on refusing to participate in war as a member of Conscientious Objectors’ Collective Action (ACOOC). War and militarism impact youths’ lives, especially...
Syracuse, NY: The Courage to Refuse War: Colombian conscientious objector speaks
The Courage to Refuse War: A path to promote nonviolence and social justice Colombian youth Sebastián Patiño speaks on refusing to participate in war as a member of Conscientious Objectors’ Collective Action (ACOOC). War and militarism impact youths’ lives, especially...
Washington, DC: The Courage to Refuse War: Colombian conscientious objector speaks
SOA Watch Conference: International Insecurity Panel 10:45AM-12:45PM. Militarization. Since Eisenhower’s warning nearly 50 years ago about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex, the threats and dangers of the...