We’re going through big changes both in Colombia as well as at FOR Peace Presence. We’re conscious that stepping into Candice and Liza’s shoes is a big task. Both of them have given so much of themselves to FOR-PP’s transition to independence, to our Colombian partners, to our on-the-ground accompaniers, and to making the world a more just and peaceful place. Simply put, none of this could have happened without them. Saying ‘thank you’ doesn’t seem enough to express how much FOR-PP will miss them.
On a related note, we are also both very excited to be joining the staff of FOR-PP at this critical time for Colombia. Both of us have been FOR accompaniers ourselves, and have grown to both cherish and admire the communities, activists, leaders and human rights defenders that we have met along the way. Their processes have inspired us over the years, as we have seen them defend and create a more peaceful society.
As the deadline for the official signing of the peace agreements fast approaches, we remain committed to supporting Colombian communities, movements and grassroots organizers, for as long as they feel they need our presence and support. We are fortunate to be working with fantastic colleagues and volunteers, and are grateful for our network of friends and allies. They are truly our backbone and support.
As always, we invite all of you to contact us with your ideas and questions at any time! Above all, we hope that we can count on your support as we – and hopefully all of Colombia – begins a new phase.
With our best wishes,
Peter and Emily
Learn more about our new Executive Director Peter, and Communications and Development Coordinator Emily!