Apr 5, 2024 | News

Original text in Spanish

Between March 20th and 24th 2024, Fellowship Of Reconciliation Peace Presence accompanied the Blanquita Murri Interethnic Peace Table and Conpazcol in a day of Minga — a communal work day — to continue work on the Mother House, a space for Dialogue and Reconciliation in Colombia.

Leaders from Conpazcol in Huila, Buenaventura and Antioquia participated in the Minga, along with special participation from the LGTBIQ+ group and Peace signatories who participate in the Inter-Ethnic Roundtable and a delegation from Caquetá and Huila.

During the Minga, participants celebrated lives and communities that are dedicated to the peaceful resistance of war and violence, and that are restoring environmental damage in a ceremony with seeds, lights, songs and by extending hands of solidarity. The lives and memory of EDINSON and NALLELY were remembered, massacred for sowing peace without impunity, without paramilitaries, and without environmental damage — exterminated for sowing peace in San José de Apartadó. Along side them, the lives of Mayora CARMELINA and PHANOR were honored, authorities of the Nasa People in Cauca and Putumayo who were massacred for defending their territory, autonomy and governance.

In gratitude for their legacy and communal work, life was celebrated, and a collective work day was held for the construction of the Mother House, reaffirming and strengthening unity amongst community members, as an effective mechanism to transform violence and impunity, a cause of so much pain in the territories.

The Inter-Ethnic Minga included work on preparing a communal meal, cutting and carrying wood, construction of accommodation, community bathrooms, maintenance of the Kiosk or meeting dairy, planting, as well as spaces for dialogue with the Implementation Unit, the UBPD and advocacy. with the UN Mission, Witness For Peace and its additional spaces for dialogue, evaluation, context analysis and projections in an attempt to protect lives and remain in the territory despite the humanitarian crisis and the continuity of the extermination of social leadership.

As an accompaniment organization and as a movement of reconciliation and construction of non-violence in Colombia and throughout the world, we thank the Inter-Ethnic Roundtable for Peace of La Blanquita Murri and the Conpazcol Association for the opportunity to accompany and support the Minga, and giving us the privilege of walking through a territory so biologically and culturally diverse, which weaves unity despite the war and the extractivism model that seeks to impose physical and cultural extermination.

May the healing and restorative spirit of this Inter-Ethnic Minga encourage all of us in the FORPP family to continue supporting and weaving reconciliation in the world.

The FORPP Family