FOR-PP communiqué on the occasion of the revised agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC
FOR-PP recognizes and applauds the work done by the negotiators of the Government and the FARC following the narrow rejection, amidst high abstentionism, of the peace deal on October 2nd. Though the method for seeking popular approval of the revised agreement is not yet clear, we do know the parameters of the changes and appreciate that victims still remain the central part of the accords. The fact that the negotiators returned to the table, seeking to incorporate the concerns and proposals of those who voted ‘no’, is a triumph for the principle of nonviolent conflict resolution and a reaffirmation of both parties to a negotiated end of the armed conflict.
We sincerely hope that this experience will generate popular support for the peace accords, so that the most crucial step, implementation, can begin as soon as possible.
We are particularly pleased that, although the agreement as a whole will no longer be incorporated into the Constitution, those passages that relate to human rights and international humanitarian law are to be retained at this level. Taking into account the increase of attacks against human rights defenders, it is crucial that special attention be paid to the implementation of the protection mechanisms foreseen in the peace accords and that existing mechanisms are strengthened, recognizing the crucial role that human rights defenders have played and continue to play in the construction of peace.
As lead negotiator for the Government, Humberto de la Calle, implied that full implementation of the agreement will depend on the political will available, we ask that the international community continue to support and closely monitor implementation, and stress that special attention be paid to the dismantling of neo-paramilitary structures which continue to constitute the biggest risk toward human rights defenders. We urge the international community to recognize and support the crucial role of civil society and human rights defenders in monitoring implementation of the accords and in constructing meaningful peace in their territories.
Bogotá and San José de Apartadó
14th November, 2016