Global Solidarity Building: Prospect and challenges to lasting peace in Colombia
March 16, 2014 – March 28, 2014

Colombia, South America
Colombia is at a crossroads—after enduring decades of violent armed conflict, for the first time in history, the government created laws to return stolen lands and recognize victims of state crimes. Additionally, the government and the country’s largest guerrilla group, the FARC are currently engaged in peace talks. Hope is in the air, but as foreign investment skyrockets and corporations pillage the country at an unprecedented rate aggravating Colombia’s conflict, which is closely tied to the issue of land tenure and access to resources. What prospects are there for lasting peace? Despite tremendous adversity, Colombians engage in nonviolent grassroots resistance and work courageously in their quest for peace and social justice.
Members of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation family (FOR Peace Presence, FOR Austria, SweFOR, SERPAJ, FOR USA, and IFOR) invite you to join us on a delegation to explore our work with communities, organizations, and individuals engaged in a nonviolent struggle to defend their lives, land, and dignity.

Peace Community of San José de Apartadó
What to Expect:
*Meet with local human rights defenders; human rights and environmental NGOs; women peace leaders; young Conscientious Objectors; afro-Colombian, indigenous, and small-scale farmer leaders; and displaced communities working to return to and remain on their land.
*Learn about the impacts of corporations and how our global demand for energy is devastating communities and destroying vital ecosystems.
*Meet with leaders of local grassroots secular and ecumenical peace and reconciliation initiatives.
*The delegation will include time in Colombia’s capital city of Bogotá and the Caribbean Coast. For a portion of the delegation, half the group will travel to the emblematic Peace Community of San José de Apartadó in Antioquia and half will travel to the extremely bio-diverse region of Chocó. Both groups will meet communities engaged in active non-violent resistance to protect their lands and communities, preserve their traditional way of life, and defend their right to make decisions over their territory. Both groups will then join together to share their experiences and conduct advocacy meetings in Bogotá.
*Connect with a network of global activists working on issues of peace and social justice and build relationships to strengthen the movement.
Delegation sign-ups are due by February 16, 2014
Cost: €1,200 ($1,620 USD)
This delegation fee includes meals, lodging, delegation interpreters and facilitators, transportation within Colombia, delegation set-up, and reading materials. Airfare to and from Colombia is not included.
Application Form
Please click here and send in the completed form to one of the email addresses below.
For more information and to apply please contact:
In the Americas: Susana Pimiento spimiento[at]
In Europe: Irmgard Ehrenberger irmgardehrenberger[at]