Video: “My Mind is not a Military Target!” – ACOOC International Campaign

Sep 21, 2011 | Human Rights, Impunity and Justice, News

By Liza Smith

Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 5:58pm

Irregularities and illegalities in the process of recruitment for compulsory military service are still frequent on a daily basis in Colombia.

Members of ACOOC have therefore gone on a tour in six different countries in Europe in spring 2011.

Following the sentence of the Colombian Constitutional Court in September of 2009, recognizing the right to conscientious objection against compulsory military service, a judicial window has opened up for those young men that do not want to join the army on conscientious grounds. On the 1st September 2010, the Constitutional Court disseminated the ruling of sentence C-728/09 of the article 27 of 48 law of 1993. The Court has now demanded that Congress regulates conscientious objection to military service, and the alternatives that Colombians have to ensure that this right is respected. Until then, each case will be analysed in order to guarantee the right.

ACOOC-Colombian Collective Action of Conscientious Objectors
mor info:

Thanks for the organisation in Austria:
Internationaler Versoehnungsbund (IVB)

Thanks for the campaign to

Produced by:
Dominique Doujenis