Join the FOR Colombia Peace Team
“I’ve been doing political work or solidarity work for most of my life, and accompaniment is the most powerful thing I’ve ever done.” —Janice Gallagher, FOR Volunteer
Accompanier (2006-07), U.S./Mexico Caravan for Peace Coordinator (2012)
For almost a century, the Fellowship of Reconciliation has worked creatively and courageously around the world to strengthen nonviolent resistance to militarism and oppression. Continuing this legacy, for the past decade FOR has sponsored a human rights accompaniment program in Colombia.
Using a dynamic combination of physical presence and political work, FOR’s peace team in Colombia protects Colombians committed to peace — often targeted in the 40-year-old armed conflict — who believe another world is possible and are building alternative economies, resisting forced displacement, and defending human rights.
You can be a part of our peace team. Joining our accompaniment team is an unique opportunity for people who care about peace and social justice and are interested in working abroad, but are seeking something beyond teaching English, doing mission work, or working on development projects like schools or medical clinics.
You can also read more about FOR’s work in Colombia and the role of volunteers, watch a short video of reflections from past FOR volunteers, or read blogs from current and past volunteers.
If you would like to become part of FOR’s team of accompaniers in Colombia, please apply by September 28. The next volunteer training will be held from December 14 to 19, 2012 in Nyack, New York, for service beginning as early as January 2013.
Please visit FOR’s Colombia Peace Accompaniment page to apply. And if you have any questions, please contact us!
Upcoming workshop for young adults at FOR’s Nyack office
FOR invites anyone between the ages of 18 and 25 to a gathering of young adult faith-based activists and community organizers who want to push the boundaries of Muslim, Jewish, Christian, multiracial and multicultural social movement building for the sake of radical justice.
Learn more and join us in February!
International FOR fellowship for young adults — deadline extended to Sept. 17
The Fellowship School aims to provide a challenging environment where young people (ages 18 to 28) with different cultural and religious backgrounds can learn the methodologies and contents of nonviolent conflict resolution with the help of renowned speakers from all around the world.
Learn more and apply to this fellowship program taking place in the Netherlands this fall.