By FOR Colombia Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 10:41am By Emily Schmitz The brutal massacre that took the lives of eight civilians, including three children on February 21, 2005 in the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartadó, has become an emblematic case of government...

Criminal proceedings for top commanders in 2005 massacre get traction
By Susana Pimiento After eight years, the criminal investigation for the role of high military officials in the 2005 massacre in the San Jose Peace Community is finally getting some traction. On the eve of the International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s visit to...
Rebuilding Trust
Landmark Legal Victory for the Peace Community By Susana Pimiento The 2013 New Year came with some good news of hope for justice. On January 18, the Colombian Constitutional Courtpublished a decision that incorporated conditions that the peace community of San José...
Colombian Army Officers Implicated in Killings to Be Promoted
By Susana Pimiento Sharp contrast with the Petraeus and Allen cases Recent U.S. news has been flooded with stories of generals David Petraeus and John Allen, both involved in what is perceived as improper conduct. The scandals cost Gen. Petraeus his position as head...
International Court Investigates Colombia for “False Positive” Killings
By Susana Pimiento On November 15, the International Criminal Court gave Colombia a clear warning that the Court expects accountability at the senior level for the serious crimes that fall under its jurisdiction, or else it may pursue a formal investigation. The...
Limited Ruling Paves Way for International Criminal Court
By Susana Pimiento Aftermath of a Massacre On June 5, the Antioquia State Court overturned the acquittal for four of ten Army officers in the case of the 2005 San José de Apartadó massacre and sentenced them to 34 years in prison. Though this ruling could be...
Solemn Anniversaries
By FOR Colombia Friday, March 2, 2012, 4:11pm By Charlotte Melly February brought two important dates for the Peace Community and FOR. February 7 marked a decade of FOR´s permanent peace presence: ten years since community members greeted the first volunteers and...