From El Espectador, translated by FOR Peace Presence. Original: President Juan Manuel Santos apologized to the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado, which opted for peaceful resistance in the midsts of armed conflict, and were in the past...
Join the March 2014 IFOR Delegation!
There's no better way to improve your understanding of active non-violence in Colombia, to demonstrate international solidarity, or to get to the heart of the global issues that are effecting the organizations and communities we work with, than by coming over and...
Colombia Peace Process Update
By Adam Isacson, Washington Office on Latin America This update is cross-posted with the Washington Office on Latin America blog. The first bit of news to emerge after our last Colombia Peace Process Update (March 27) gave cause for concern. The seventh round of talks...
Peace Negotiations Re-open After Expired Cease-fire
By Emily Schmitz January 31 - Negotiations between the Colombian government and FARC guerrillas re-opened today, after a week-long recess. Objecting to bilateral agreements before peace negotiations are finalized, the government of Juan Manuel Santos refused to halt...
Proposals for an End to the War
By John Lindsay-Poland By Alfredo Molano Jimeno Originally published in El Espectador, December 6, 2012 A holistic agrarian reform, deconcentration of property ownership, policies for food and land sovereignty, strengthening of peasant and indigenous economies,...
Paramilitary Pressure in La Esperanza
By FOR Colombia Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 12:32pm By Emily Schmitz, Charlotte Melly, Elisabeth Rohrmoser and Gina Spigarelli The rural farming community of La Esperanza, remotely scattered through dense jungle, lies three hours walking from the nearest town in one...
Peace in Colombia: Between Expectations and Uncertainties
By FOR Colombia Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 8:19pm By Alejo Vargas Velásquez, Professor, National University From Caja de Herramientas Virtuales The goal of a negotiated solution to Colombia’s long-running war has always been key. In recent weeks it has become more...
Opening Paths Toward Peace
By Maureen Maya, Journalist and Social Researcher Published in Semanario Virtual #330, November 23-29, 2012 On Monday, November 19, as delegates of the Colombian government and FARC guerrillas were getting ready to begin negotiations in the Conventions Palace in...