By Arlene B. Tickner The fact that Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Colombia [August 11] has gone by almost without notice generates the (false) sensation that Colombia’s close association with the United States has passed. Nevertheless, the listlessness of...

Military Recruitment
Army’s Round-ups of Youth Continue
By Liza Smith On October 26, two young men from the small town of San Francisco, Antioquia were in Bogota and fell victim to an illegal street round-up. FOR has brought many delegations to this town, where the Antioquia Peasant Association (ACA), an...
Fayetteville, NC: BPFNA/Quaker House Friendship Tour: A Front-Line Peace Witness
Posted by Ethan Vesely-Flad Monday, August 12, 2013, 2:29pm Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America Located near Fort Bragg (one of the largest military bases in the US), Quaker House is a manifestation of the peace testimony of the Religious Society of Friends. In...