Reflections from our field team: April 28- May 28, 2021 A mural to life, honoring the memory of Alison, Sebastián and Esteban, 3 of the victims of police violence in Popayán, a mural dignifying the resistance of the social and popular minga led by Colombian youth in...
Conscientious Objection
IFOR in the United Nations Human Rights Council
Para la versión en español, haz clic aquí. On March 22, during the general debate following the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' report on the situation of Human Rights in Colombia, Martina Lanza from IFOR delivered a statement that spoke to the...
IFOR en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas
For the English version, click here. A continuación, le presentamos el vídeo y el texto que leyó Martina Lanza de IFOR el 22 de marzo pasado en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas, durante el debate general siguiendo el lanzamiento del Informe Anual del...
La lucha para abstenerse de la violencia en Colombia
For english, click here Escrito por Nikki Drake, quien forma parte del equipo FOR Presente por la Paz. Se encuentra el artículo publicado aquí en NACLA Reporte de las Americas El joven entra en el salón con el rostro tenso y solemne. Ha estado aquí en el batallón más...
Conscientious Objector Detained in Arauca
En español: Objetor de Consciencia Retenido en Arauca FOR Peace Presence is concerned about the rights and well-being of a conscientious objector who has been held against his will since April 7, 2014 in a military brigade in the department of Arauca. Background...
Objetor de consciencia retenido en Arauca
In English: Conscientious Objector Detained in Arauca FOR Presente por la Paz está muy preocupado por los derechos y la salud de un objetor de conciencia quien está detenido en contra de su voluntad desde el 7 de abril 2014, en una brigada del ejército Colombiano en...
Does Being in the Military Mean Renouncing your Conscience?
By Alejandro Parra On August 21, Bradley Manning (now known as Chelsea Manning), caught in the middle of a politicized legal process and social controversy, was sentenced to 35 years in prison, after receiving extensive media coverage for the nature of his act....
Walking Toward Peace Amid the War
By Emily Schmitz On July 4, 2013, FOR accompanied the Colombian Association of Conscientious Objectors, ACOOC, during the release of Juan Carlos Poveda Camaro from the army base in Villavicencio, where he had been held, as a declared conscientious objector, for...